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"Corona is like a burning glass for what is happening in our lives, in our society and in our world right now". Colleagues Tina Gadow, Marc Dechmann and Roberto Isberner (K&S Germany) often hear this insight and wanted to use their podcast 'Was steht jetzt eigentlich an' to explore what exactly is happening right now. In every episode they speak with different guests and explore questions like: What is more urgent than ever? What do we long for? What do we want to shape? Where do we want to focus our energy? What consequence do we draw from the realization that a return to the old madness is not a serious and attractive option? What radical New Normal wants to break through?
In the fifth and english spoken episode 'Make a safe space to think big' they talk with colleagues Paul Keursten and Kris Snick among others about the meaning of communities and at the same time how to deal with the paradox between the very close and the big picture. It is about belonging and courage.