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From Fairytales to Spherecards: Towards a New Research Methodology for Improving Knowledge Productivity

von: Anja Doornbos, Marloes van Rooij, Maaike Smit, Suzanne Verdonschot web 111976674546 Suzanne Verdonschot - ; Quelle: Forum: Qualitative Social Research   05-05-2008

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Our article ‘From fairytales to spherecards’ has been published! We have written it as a  contribution to the special issue on performative social science in which we give a new perspective on the collaboration between research and practice. In our article we combine a solid foundation on the basis of literature with msn-conversations, pictures, lively examples of innovative research methods, and we develop a new model that presents a connection cycle. The model puts into words the stages of co-production that researchers and practitioners go through when collaborating with the aim to be knowledge productive. The model connects the learning cycles of both researchers and practitioners. There are six stages of co-production: 1) curiosity, 2) approach, 3) experience, 4) ideas, 5) knowledge creation, and 6) knowledge productivity. If you become curious to read the article, we would love to hear your feedback!


Reference: Doornbos, A., van Rooij, M., Smit, M., & Verdonschot, S. G. M. (2008). From fairytales to spherecards: Towards a new research methodology for improving knowledge productivity. Forum Qualitative Social Research, 9(2), nr 48.