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The End from a Source Perspective

par: Ilan Siebert 111887704929 Ilan Siebert - 01-02-2024

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Interview with Tom Nixon, Founder, Adviser, Author of the book “Work with Source”.

What if one started a project, an initiative or an organisation and wants to leave it? Or wants to end the initiative itself? We are happy that Tom Nixon joined our podcast to shed light on these questions.

Tom is an experienced consultant and founder of multiple initiatives who likes to work from a source perspective - the idea that behind every project or organisation is a creative process to bring something into the world. In this episode he explains the idea of source and we start a dialogue about diverse endings. When does a person stop being the creative source of an initiative? What about leaving an organization as a source? How to handle succession?
We learned a lot while talking to Tom - and are more than curious about your thoughts!

Linnea Riensberg and Ilan Siebert conducted the conversation with Tom Nixon.


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