In many sectors and organizations leaders face challenges related to ethics and integrity. In change processes many leaders deal with situations of conflicts and reconciliation. How can one be ethical when all ethical rules have broken down? How can you be ethical again after a crisis? It undermines the confidence in the trust. How do you resurrect ethics in that wasteland of trust? In the second edition of ‘Do I Have A Choice’, a series of podcasts about entrepreneurship, leadership, reflection and technology, Fanie du Toit, director of the South African Institute of Justice and Reconciliation, reflects on the profound topics of reconciliation and leadership.
“Very often I think that reconciliation is born, when other options have been exhausted”, says Fanie du Toit. He states that though reconciliation may sound like a very big word, it’s a reality we have to face in our personal and every-day life, also in organizations. The astonishing thing is, he says, that people do not reconcile in certain situations. His point of view is determined by the fact that we, as human being, are interdependent. To learn more about interdependency, check one of my previous blogposts. Getting curious about Du Toit’s view on what’s happening in Europe at the moment? Listen to the second edition of ‘Do I Have a Choice’.
Audio-time: 15.06 mintues
Link to iTunes